Showing Tag: " retire early" (Show all posts)

6 perspectives on why retirees need to be more conservative with their portfolios

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, July 3, 2014, In : Investment 

A while back I wrote some articles on a couple of other blogs on how investing for retirement is different than investing in retirement. I’ve had some really positive feedback on these columns so I thought I would share with you 6 of my favorite articles on why retirees need to be more conservative with their portfolios.

Variable Returns Can Work Against You in Retirement On

One of the problems of return proj...

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7 tips for women about to retire

Posted by Bibi Apampa on Thursday, July 3, 2014, In : Retirement Business 

7 tips for women about to retire - #GoogleAlerts

Women live longer than men, on average. And that's mostly a blessing.

But, as with a lot of things, it could be somewhat problematic in retirement. Here's why.

The fact is, women face a unique set of issues that may require a somewhat different approach to financial planning.

"The average life span for women is 8% longer than for a man," says Deana Arnett, senior planning consultant for Rosenthal Wealth Management Group. ...

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